28. 7th Shamar 1631 - 1694
Yeshe Nyingpo was born near the Machu River in the Golok region of North-East Tibet. The Tenth Gyalwa Karmapa recognized him as the Seventh Shamar incarnation. Yeshe Nyingpo was very devoted to his Root Guru, the Tenth Gyalwa Karmapa, Chöying Dorje, and followed his instructions with care and concern. He received the full transmissions and teachings of the Kagyu Lineage from him and had many signs of accomplishment in both Mahamudra and Dzogchen meditation.
Yeshe Nyingpo’s sincere song of devotion (available in “The Rain of Wisdom”) is a tribute to the Tenth Gyalwa Karmapa, Chöying Dorje. “The Song of Yeshe Nyingpo” is short, therefore we want to offer visitors of our website all verses:
“At the glorious unchanging vajrasana of enlightenment, Is the lord who in essence is the embodiment of the Buddha, And who appears in the form of the archer-king. I prostrate with my head at your lotus feet.
“North of Lhasa on the banks of the river, At the monastery in the valley of Tsurphu, Dwells glorious Avalokiteshvara, Lord Düsum Khyenpa, the nirmanakaya.
“You, Chöying Dorje, whose kindness cannot be repaid, Are especially merciful to the beings of the dark age. You possess overwhelming brilliant compassion, Which completely clears the accumulated obscurations of ignorance.
“Since these are cleared away, the wisdom of nonduality increases. Since this increases, the good qualities of ripening and freeing are ripened. Since these ripen, the two benefits are spontaneously accomplished. Since these are accomplished, you are the master of the dharma of mahamudra, The supreme essence of what has been told and what has been experienced.
“You possess the bright smile of skilful compassion Whose light rays of profound teaching stream out everywhere And dispel the darkness of my heart. I am certain that I cannot repay your kindness.
“My ultimate, self-existing wisdom And your mind of glorious vajra dharmadhatu Are dissolved in the essence of coemergent mind. May the fruits of virtue from arriving at the stage of the exhaustion of dharmas Ripen in beings of the six realms.” – “Thus, he sang.”
Yeshe Nyingpo recognized Yeshe Dorje as the Eleventh Gyalwa Karmapa and became his principal teacher. He was 64 years old when he passed into Parinirvana in the wood-dog year.
References: “The Rain of Wisdom. The Vajra Songs of the Kagyü Gurus,” transl. under the direction of Chögyam Trungpa by the Nalanda Translation Com., Boston & London, 1980 , pages 58-59; see also page 317. Simhanada, “Kagyü Lineage – 10 th Gyalwa Karmapa” (2008).
May virtue increase! |